Religion as practice




Religion, movement, ecology of practices


The aim of this paper is to explore some of the consequences for the anthropology of religion in terms of an approach that privileges practice. In the first section an examination is made of the effects of the proposed framework on how we study the pathways by which people move between religions and change their religious allegiance. In the second section, the question of how to approach religion as a practice from the standpoint of an ecology of practices outlined by the philosopher Isabelle Stengers is addressed. This reflection is developed through the description of cases drawn from research among Afro-Brazilian religions.
Keywords: Religion, movement, ecology of practices.


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Author Biography

Miriam Rabelo, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Professora titular do departamento de Sociologia e Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais daUniversidade Federal da Bahia. Atua nos campos da antropologia da religião e da saúde e entre seus temas de pesquisa e publicação destaca-se o estudo das religiões de matriz africana no Brasil


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How to Cite

Rabelo, M. (2022). Religion as practice. Cultura Y Religión, 16(1), 236–263.


