Holy See’s foreign policy during Francis’ Pontificate: the relationship with Turkey





Christianophobia, interreligious dialogue, ecumenism, foreign policy, Holy See, Turkey


The scrutiny of the Holy See’s foreign policy is not typically easy. In the exercise of this, inter alia, two precepts are put into practice: ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. In the present article, it is examined how this is conducted during Francis’ Pontificate towards the Republic of Turkey to fight the problem of Christianophobia in the country. In the end, it is demonstrated that though there is congruence between the foreign policy’s words and actions, unfortunately, the cordiality seen between political and religious leaders has not permeated the Turkish citizenry yet.


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Author Biography

Axel Oswaldo Martínez Ramírez, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, México

Axel Oswaldo Martínez Ramírez is a Bachelor with Honorific Mention of Excellence in International Relations with a minor in Political Studies from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. He occasionally wrote in Editorial E-dae about politics, culture and society; and worked in the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. He has collaborated on projects from organisations such as the International Trade Centre and the Mexican Association of Political Sciences. He has received awards such as the Telmex-Telcel Foundation bursary (from the same foundation) and the National Bursary from Mexico's National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT). He was a member of the Global Network of Young Politicians in Mexico City and has participated in debate contests. He is currently studying a Master's degree in International Relations Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


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How to Cite

Martínez Ramírez, A. O. (2023). Holy See’s foreign policy during Francis’ Pontificate: the relationship with Turkey. Cultura Y Religión, 17, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-47272023000100216



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