The Protestant "discovery" of Latin America and the Caribbean (1870-1913)




Missions, Latin America, Caribbean, Protestantism


In this article we propose to inquire about the mental representations that some of the main referents and leaders of the Missionary Boards in the United States had about Latin America and the Caribbean between the last quarter of the XIX century and the first decade of the XX century. Tracing these representations is relevant to discover the understanding of their role, the motivations of their task and the view that accompanied the passage from missionary disinterest in the "Abandoned Continent" to its invention and discovery as a land of opportunities.


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Author Biographies

Norman Rubén Amestoy, Seminario Evangélico de Lima, Perú

Doctor en Teología por el Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudios Teológicos ISEDET, Buenos Aires. Profesor de la Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano - Instituto Wesley, en Rosario, Argentina y el Seminario Evangélico de Lima. Integrante de la Comisión de Historia de la Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana (FTL).

Sarahí Rivera Martínez, Universidad Teológica del Caribe, Puerto Rico

Doctora en Teología en el Instituto Iberoamericano de las Ciencias y Humanidades (INIBERCIH). Licenciada en Tecnología Médica, por la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Es integrante del Colegio de Tecnólogos Médicos de Puerto Rico.


th Annual Report of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the year 1873. (1873). Nueva York: Society.

Bainbridge, W. F. (1882). Around the World Tour of Christian Missions. Boston: D. Lothrop and Company.

Bavinck, J. H. (1961). An Introduction to the Science of Missions. Filadelfia: The Presbyterian and Reform Publishing Co.

Brown, H. W. (1901). Latin America. Fleming H. Revell Company.

Christian Work in Latin America. (1917) Panama Congress. (Tomo I). The Missionary Education Movement.

Ecumenical Missionary Conference. (1900). Ecumenical Missionary Conference (Vol. I). American Tract Society, Religious Tract Society.

Johnston, J. (Ed.) (1888). Report of the Centenary Conference on the Protestant Missions of the World. (Vol. I). James Nisbet & Co.

Piedra, A. (2005). Evangelización protestante en América Latina. (Tomo I). Quito: Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias.

Pierson, A. T. (1886). The Crisis of Missions or the Voice out of the Cloud. R. Carter.

Robert, D. L. (1998). Pierson, Arthur Tappan. En G. H. Anderson (Ed.), Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Macmillan Reference USA.

Speer, R. E. (mayo de 1902). The Struggle for Liberty in South America. En Missionary Review of the World.

Speer, R. E. (1904). Missions and Modern History. (Vol. 1). Fleming H. Revell Company.

Speer, R. E. (1909). Missions in South America. The Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the USA.

Winton, G. B. (1905). Roman Catholicism. En E. H. Richards, Religions of Mission Fields, as viewed by Protestant Missionaries. Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions.

World Missionary Conference. (1910). World Missionary Conference. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.



How to Cite

Amestoy, N. R., & Rivera Martínez, S. (2023). The Protestant "discovery" of Latin America and the Caribbean (1870-1913). Cultura Y Religión, 17, 1–19.



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