A contribution to the study of ethnicity through a research on non-affiliated





ethnicity, non-affiliated Jews, categorization.


The paper analyzes the processes of ethnic identification among actors which are not affiliated with ethnic organizations. Considering ethnicity as cognition, the focus of the analysis lies on the ethnic schemas that are projected trough the actor's accounts. The viewpoint of our work lies in the constructivist paradigm and data have been collected through in-depth interview. The accounts allow us to observe how ethnic schemas are activated in specific situations.  These schemas can either be aligned or stressed with the construction of reality projected by ethnic organizations. At the same time, these accounts allow us to look into the articulations between several schemas. The work identifies four topics through which the actors organize their ethnic identity: anti-Semitism, mixed marriage, the State of Israel and the Jewish community. The analysis of each of them allows us to challenge the normative interpretations upon which several studies are based. At the same time, we consider that an individualist perspective also fails to account for the complex relationships between ethnic schemas and organizational forms of reality construction.


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Author Biography

Damián Setton, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, INTE Universidad Arturo Prat

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador adjunto del CONICET. Docente de la materia Sociología del Medio Oriente de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Setton, D. (2017). A contribution to the study of ethnicity through a research on non-affiliated. Cultura Y Religión, 11(2), 51–69. https://doi.org/10.61303/07184727.v11i2.786



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