Ethics policy

1. Ethics and detection of plagiarism

Revista Cultura y Religión is committed to the highest standards of scientific and ethical quality in research and scientific integrity. These standards apply to the editorial team, scientific committee, authors, reviewers, editorial production team and to the readers to the extent possible.


2. Plagiarism policy

All articles received by Revista Cultura y Religión are run through anti-plagiarism software.

If plagiarism is detected in an article, the following procedure will be followed:

  • If it is identified prior to publication, the editorial team will analyze the case based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Once analyzed, the corresponding actions will be taken based on COPE guidelines.
  • If it is identified after the publication of the article on the journal website, the article will be removed and an official statement regarding the situation will be published. The publication will also follow any other applicable COPE guidelines.

Our understanding of plagiarism is based on the COPE definition: When someone submits the work of others (data, words or theories) as their own and without adequate recognition, including self-plagiarism or duplicate publication.

Revista Cultura y Religión adheres to COPE guidelines regarding scientific publication standards and is guided by the same. However, it is NOT a COPE member. A list of said standards is available online at HTTPS://PUBLICATIONETHICS.ORG/


3. Publication Access and Costs

Revista Cultura y Religión is committed to open access to its content with the best ethical practices related to research, authorship and scientific publication. As such, it promotes compliance with the following statements in the various stages of the publication process:

  • Open Access: Revista Cultura y Religión adheres to the open access statements of BudapestBethesda and Berlin.
  • Research Integrity: Revista Cultura y Religión adheres to the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.
  • Publication and Edition Ethics: Revista Cultura y Religión adheres to the principles and practices set out by COPE.
  • Copyright Policies: Revista Cultura y Religión adheres to the copyright principles set out by the CRediT.
  • Revista Cultura y Religión adheres to the decalogue of best practices for peer evaluation of the Association of American University Press.

In accordance with open access policies, Revista Cultura y Religión facilitates free access to all of the articles published and encourages the sharing of these texts and their free dissemination for readers. Authors are not charged for manuscript publication.

4. Sponsorship and Funding:

The journal is published and sustained by the Universidad Arturo Prat Institute for International Studies, which is managed by the Chilean government.

5. Ethical and Scientific Integrity Policies

The editorial team of Revista Cultura y Religión is committed to meeting the highest ethical standards, best publishing practices and copyrights in accordance with the COPE principles: Publication ethics and ethics violations and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity and the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT, which is expressed in the following criteria:


a) Copyright and contribution policies: Authors are defined as those who have made a significant contribution to the research, drafting, presentation and manuscript adjustment processes in accordance with the CRediT. Authors are asked to list the role or contribution of each author in the manuscript in the submission letter (letter format).

Authors are presented in the order established by them in advance, and the following information must be listed:

  • Pen name.
  • Email address.
  • Academic degrees.
  • Institutional affiliation.
  • ORCID code.

The author who submits the manuscript or uploads it to the journal platform is understood to undertake the role of corresponding author and is responsible for managing contact throughout the editorial process.

b) Plagiarism policies: Articles submitted to Revista Cultura y Religión must be original and unpublished and all authors must consent to their submission. Authors are thus asked to use the submission letter format and to commit to meeting these criteria. The journal will not publish articles that have previously been published in another language.

Fragmentation of large works may cause confusion for readers. As such, authors are asked to include the respective citation if they mention previous publications, including the respective quote, as it may be identified as plagiarism or failing to meet the established originality criteria. Furthermore, the author will be available to respond to requests made by the editorial board and peer reviewers regarding papers previously published on the topic.

All articles received will undergo a strict peer review process and will be run through plagiarism detection software. If the article fails to meet the originality criteria specified, it will be declared ineligible for publication. If the article has already been published in the journal, it will be removed from the volume in which it was included.

Revista Cultura y Religión is committed to issuing retractions and fe de errata when necessary in order to ensure transparency and due process in response to any situation identified or reported.

The authors are responsible for the material included in their work, such as tables, graphics, photographs, figures and any other content necessary for the development of the publication. They also state that these to not violate copyrights.

c) Complaints and appeals management: The complaint or appeals procedure begins by contacting the journal editor at the institutional email [email protected]. The editor will confirm receipt via email and evaluates the merits of the complaint or appeal. He will report to the Editorial Team, which has two weeks to issue a ruling.

The Editorial Team may close the complaint or appeal or initiate an investigation. The parties will be notified of its decision.

If an investigation is undertaken, the parties will be asked to provide more information, which will serve as the basis for its decision. Rejection of the complaint, insufficient information, confirmation of the complaint. The decision will be communicated by a statement issued by the Editorial Team in each case.

When the information involves a confirmation of the complaint or report, the communication will be shared with the parties as well as the institution of affiliation of the reported party.

If the complaint or appeal merits such action, an errata or correction of the corresponding publication will be issued in a retraction document in the next issue.

d) Conflict of interest policies: Revista Cultura y Religión establishes strict criteria in an effort to avoid conflicts of interest during the article review process.

Authors must submit an anonymized version of the manuscript in regard to the text and its contents and in the Word file properties such that the authors, institutions, individuals and funding sources cannot be identified.

Furthermore, peer reviewers must be individuals with research experience and scientific publications.

The Revista Cultura y Religión review process is double-blind, which ensures that the process is objective given that neither the authors nor the reviewers will know the identity of the other(s).

Revista Cultura y Religión will ensure that anonymized communication between authors and reviewers meets the academic criteria related to manuscript comments and evaluations. The criteria for establishing the results of the evaluation of a manuscript will be set out in the peer review process section.

e) Data exchange and reproducibility policies: Revista Cultura y Religión recommends that authors facilitate the exchange and reproducibility of data as long as this does not mean failing to comply with prior agreements regarding confidentiality and protection of research subjects’ identity. In any case, the data used may be requested by the editors or reviewers as part of the review process.

The authors may link the corresponding dataset to the article through a cross-reference. We recommend that that cross-reference work in both directions: from the dataset to the article and from the article to the dataset. The authors may place the dataset on their preferred platform. The journal recommends the use of Mendeley Data.

f) Ethics supervision policies: The Revista Cultura y Religión Editorial Team will request information from the authors about the ethical standards of the research, which must follow the Singapore Declaration on Research Integrity

When applicable, the authors must describe the ethical procedures developed in their research. At the request of the editors or reviewers, they must provide the pertinent information regarding the ethical safeguards developed, particularly in matters that involve consent or agreement or regarding database use authorization.

The use of photographs featuring people must have the proper consent and may not cause any harm or damage to the people who appear in the image.

g) Intellectual property policy: All manuscripts published in Revista Cultura y Religión are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not reflect the opinion of the journal.

The authors are responsible for guaranteeing that the work is unpublished and original.

Revista Cultura y Religión is published under a Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) license. As such, copyrights will be protected. The authors cede the proprietary rights to their publication to Revista Cultura y Religión.

h) Policies and options for discussions and corrections: Revista Cultura y Religión promotes the generation of discussions and debates regarding the manuscripts published. As such, when the Editorial Team deems such action necessary, responses or letters to the editor will be published. Such content must be submitted to: [email protected].

Corrections made after publication or requests for articles to be removed must be submitted to the Editorial Team at the aforementioned email address. Such requests will be assessed in accordance with the terms set out in letter c) of these guidelines.

i) Privacy and use of information policy: The names and emails entered on the site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Revista Cultura y Religión including notifications regarding new publications or calls and will not be made available for any other purpose, person or organization. Revista Cultura y Religión does not allow publicity or marketing on the journal website.