Peer review

Peer evaluation process

Articles submitted must comply with the basic requirements of the publication standards (APA Style), which are mandatory at the time of submission. Failure to comply with these standards will result in the articles not being sent for evaluation but rather returned to their authors.

1 Firstly, the editorial team together with the journal's management will determine the admissibility of an article, i.e., if it complies with the general requirements described in the AUTHOR GUIDELINES of the journal, and may reject an article without the need to send it to external reviewers if it is considered that it does not comply with the standards or is not tailored to the objectives and editorial line of the journal.

2 All articles received will be sent to two anonymous evaluators, who are external to our University, and specialized in the topic of the work. This is known as "double blind", maintaining in confidentiality both the author(s) and the evaluators. These evaluators may: a) accept the article as it is, b) accept it subject to modifications or c) reject it. In case there is no unanimity in the evaluations about accepting the article (as it is or subject to modifications) or rejecting it, the Editorial Team, taking into consideration the evaluations, will decide whether to reject it or send it to a third evaluator.

3 The comments and suggestions of the evaluators will be sent to the author(s) through an assigned editor so that they may proceed with any requested corrections and modifications of the text, which will be conditional to its publication. The author or authors will have two weeks to make the changes from the date the evaluations are sent (or a longer period if the editor deems it convenient). Once the correction process is completed, the author(s) must send the editor the final version of their article for publication, and will be notified that said article has passed the evaluation process and is awaiting publication.

Following the process of correction and modification of the original text, the journal reserves the right to make, prior to publication, minor modifications to the manuscript, which in no case will change the content or central ideas of the text. These modifications refer to formal aspects such as spelling corrections, clarification of the wording or any other type of aspect associated with style and/or design criteria.

The author(s) will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of the article within a maximum period of six months (including the text for publication in case of acceptance), as from the date of receipt of the article.