Aesthetics of the joy of sacrifice. Anachronism of modernity


  • Juan Granados Valdéz Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro



sacrifice, joy, sacred, aesthetics, modernity


In this article, the author proposes the need to reflect, from an aesthetic perspective, on the joyous nature of sacrifice from a Christian viewpoint, and specifically from a Catholic perspective. The choice of this philosophical discipline is that it integrates the capabilities of the human being without dissociating them. Furthermore, the experience of sacrifice, in addition to being religious, is aesthetic: when you feel it, you can discover its meaning or its beauty. After discussing the meaning of sacrifice, and providing the respective conceptual demarcations, the author sets out the differences and similarities between ancient sacrifice and new sacrifice - that of Christ – to reveal that sacrifice is always a celebration of life and is therefore joyous, as demonstrated by the Catholic Mass. Among the implied consequences, it is shown here that modernity has not made religious practices anachronistic, such as the pilgrimage. Conversely, it has rather revealed that the progress that fills civilized society with pride, appear more anachronistic as they are out of place and time, that is to say the place and time of celebration. While pilgrimage celebrates life, and revels in and rejoices existence, civilization strongly asserts its absurdity.


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Author Biography

Juan Granados Valdéz, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Licenciado en Filosofía y maestro en Arte Contemporáneo y Sociedad, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Querétaro, México). Doctor en Artes, Universidad de Guanajuato (Guanajuato, México)


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How to Cite

Granados Valdéz, J. (2020). Aesthetics of the joy of sacrifice. Anachronism of modernity. Cultura Y Religión, 14(1), 13–25.



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