
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer Universität Bielefeld



religion, transcendence, praxeology, Bourdieu, conflicts


This article focuses on the concept of transcendence from a praxeological point of view. In consequence, in order to clarify the concept the author refers not only to theoretical debates but also to tangible empirical conditions. In the first part, based on the observation that religious practice makes strange claims about reality, he elaborates on epistemological aspects of religious communication and religious action. In the second part, by analyzing religious practice in the context of the Guatemalan Counterinsurgency War, he then discuss the usefulness and ambivalence of the concept of transcendence. Finally, on this basis, he designs a praxeological concept of transcendence.


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Biografia do Autor

Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer, Universität Bielefeld

Dr. theol. habil., Ruhr Universität Bochum (Bochum, Germany). Dr. phil. rer. soc., Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany). Professor of Protestant Theology and Sociology, Bielefeld University (Bielefeld, Germany).


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Como Citar

Schäfer, H. W. (2020). MEANINGFUL STRATEGIES: TRANSCENDENCE IN CONDITIONS OF CONFLICT. Cultura Y Religión, 14(1), 121–141.



Artículos de investigación